"Final Render"
(203 KB)
Example.19: The Petal from Sky
(AE5.5 STD)

AE-TIPS 19 : Adobe After Effects CS5 (
Resolution: 640x480
Third-Party AE Plugins:
- No Use
Third-Party Footages:
- No Use

Creating the petal Material

Create A still picture Material using Photoshop etc.
Although use the "Petal" Material this time.
You may use other material.
"Leaves","Feather","Cards","Cherry Blossom","download Money" etc.

* It is "Transparent" that you look black.

Creation of the Material for Shatter

Create Another Material.
Create The Fill Material for Custom Map by Photoshop etc.
Create The Material which "1 Pixel extended to outside".
and Paint Fill "White"

* Each part should not join together.
* It is "Transparent" that you look black.

(282 KB)

Application of Shatter

Put The Material of STEP1-2 into a New Composition.
Turn Off The eyeball icon of STEP2.(Layer Invisible)
Select the Layer of STEP1
Apply Effect > Simulation > Shatter.

"Custom Map"
(161 KB)

Parameter adjustment of Shatter

Assign The Layer of STEP2 to "Custom Shape Pattern"
You can divide the petal by petal shape.

View Effect Controls Window

"Final Render"
(203 KB)


Adjust Camera parameter to Look like "Glide down"
Create Two kinds of Shatter Composition.
"Forward Layer" and "The Back Layer".
Express depth, I think that it is good.

* Although it is a difficulty that the object becomes only "Plane"

View Effect Controls Window